Saturday, November 28, 2009

Music from Start to Finish - Final Project

You need to start with the instrument.

Practice makes perfect.

Find some friends to join you.

Next is the small club performance.

Hopefull you can find some fans to help you out.

Check 1, 2...

Finally, you land a big show.

Finish it all off with an encore.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Final Work In Progress...

Here are some on of the images I have been working on for my topic of music. I am taking different ways that you can find music around the city.
The first image is of the roadies for Mayday Parade loading up their trailer the morning after a show in the Strip. The second is the Benedum Center in the Cultural District. The third is Stephen Kellog and the members of Carbon Leaf at Bluffstock.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Gender Swap

This is my brother morphed with a young bride from the early 1900s.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Street Photography

These are all pictures I took downtown on Thursday during the G20. They were all centered around a protest to Free Tibet. There was so much going on at once; the cops preparing, people marching, bystanders and other protesters.

Monday, September 28, 2009


The first picture is my favorite. I was standing on the Smithfield Street Bridge and set up where I would stand and the angle and setting of the shot and had my roommate hold the camera since there was nowhere for a tripod. The expression on my face was a reaction to something she said. Since I liked it, I held the stance and had her take the picture.
The second image was taken using a tripod and the self-timer on my camera. I am sitting on the window sill in my apartment. I tried it several different days at different times until I got one that worked.


I used my roommate as the subject in both of my portraits. The first was taken at one of the churchs downtown. I took the second in front of Steel plaza.