Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Street Photography

These are all pictures I took downtown on Thursday during the G20. They were all centered around a protest to Free Tibet. There was so much going on at once; the cops preparing, people marching, bystanders and other protesters.


  1. I enjoy the picture of the riot officer video taping the rioters. I think it tells a story and is kind of comical in that it seems like he is just on a stroll taking a home video. The picture also portrays the dominant force of the police by placing them in front of the protestors and blocking their message. Overall a good composition.

  2. I love that this series of pictures really tells a story and captures both sides (protestors and cops). The second picture down really captured my attention because there is such a harsh reality to the policemen's stance. The line of cops seems like it could go on forever due to your cropping. Their stance makes them look almost robotic and mindless. However, then I got to you last picture and saw the officer filming, and their tough exterior instantly melted away and brought back the human quality. The color contrast in the first picure is also very nice with all of the yellow shirts and colorful flags. I'm not sure these pictures individually would have the same effect, but they work incredibly well as a collection because of the story they tell!

  3. Megan, I feel awful I didn't recognize you in the lab yesterday. I was in the zone or stressin about editing my pics. So sorry about that. Anyway, 1, 2, 4, of your photos are all very well done. For the first photo, I particularly liked how all the protesters were facing away from the camera. It was still expressive despite their backs were facing the camera. The second one was my favorite. The repetition and alignment of the officers are awesome. The third one I liked the uniqueness of it. Won't see that every day. The reason why I didn't include the third and fifth one, the others are definitely stronger. They had a strong sense of focus. I would say that they didn't really catch my eye. Candid can be a really beautiful approach. But I almost feel like this was too candid if there really is such a thing? Good job though :)

  4. I think you did an amazing job! You really took the part of a photojournalist. I can really see the story line in all of your pictures- they all evoke an emotion, the first two and the last one look like a parade at first until you notice the signs in the Tibet picture and how suited up the police realize it's no parade. I think you angled and composed all of you pictures really well. in pictures 3 and 4 the emotion that is evoked is much more powerful, in the 3rd theres an obvious confrontation, theres a very bland color against a very vibrant color. and in the fourth i think you really caught the distress of a young american who was concerned about the g20.

  5. I absolutely love the first two pictures. The contrast in the composition of both pictures really portrays the two sides of the issue. The militant and the protesting against unnecessary force. Even the lines are opposite, as are the colors: cool and straight for the police and bright and varied for the protesters. Awesome job, i wish i had been there to see it...kinda...but im glad i missed getting my car torched haha.

  6. I think you did a really good job capturing the atmosphere of downtown during the g20. Through your pictures I can feel the tension and confrontation. They're all of really good quality such as clarity and the lighting but I feel the content and theme are the most powerful elements. I like that you captured a group of protestors, police, and then the two of them meeting head. I feel you told a good story by showing the groups individually as two points of view and then them meeting is the climax.
