Monday, September 28, 2009


The first picture is my favorite. I was standing on the Smithfield Street Bridge and set up where I would stand and the angle and setting of the shot and had my roommate hold the camera since there was nowhere for a tripod. The expression on my face was a reaction to something she said. Since I liked it, I held the stance and had her take the picture.
The second image was taken using a tripod and the self-timer on my camera. I am sitting on the window sill in my apartment. I tried it several different days at different times until I got one that worked.


I used my roommate as the subject in both of my portraits. The first was taken at one of the churchs downtown. I took the second in front of Steel plaza.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


This image is from the top of Bluff St. overlooking the 10th Street Bridge. I liked the view of the bridge leading right into South Side and then the Slopes behind it. It created a nice vantage point and the color in the bridge pops compared to the rainy day.

This image was taken on Carson St. and I think it is representative of a typical rainy day there. I also liked the vanishing horizon line from the side walk and the person with umbrella in the distance. I actually took it on the flower setting for close-ups, which I liked because it focuses in on what is close and not on the vantage point so it creates a lot of depth.

This image was taken on the landscape setting with no flash out of my window. I really liked the lines and the way the building tops created lines and converged in the middle. I also really liked that the colors were really vibrant.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Bad Image Outside

This was taken on flower mode and the flash washed out the image and didnt really focus on anything but just got blurry.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Testing out my camera - bad image

This image was taken during the same session but became washed out from the flash in the sport setting.

Testing out my camera - good image

This is a vase of flowers on the coffee table that was taken on the Night Portrait setting which uses a red eye flash. I took the picture using a tripod from the desk above. I liked how vibrant the colors came out.